Ensemble learning

 What Is Ensemble?

The ensemble methods in machine learning combine the insights obtained from multiple learning models to facilitate accurate and improved decisions. These methods follow the same principle as the example of buying an air-conditioner cited above.

In learning models, noise, variance, and bias are the major sources of error. The ensemble methods in machine learning help minimize these error-causing factors, thereby ensuring the accuracy and stability of machine learning (ML) algorithms.

Example 1: Assume that you are developing an app for the travel industry. It is obvious that before making the app public, you will want to get crucial feedback on bugs and potential loopholes that are affecting the user experience. What are your available options for obtaining critical feedback? 1) Soliciting opinions from your parents, spouse, or close friends. 2) Asking your co-workers who travel regularly and then evaluating their response. 3) Rolling out your travel and tourism app in beta to gather feedback from non-biased audiences and the travel community.

Think for a moment about what you are doing. You are taking into account different views and ideas from a wide range of people to fix issues that are limiting the user experience. The ensemble neural network and ensemble algorithm do precisely the same thing.

Example 2: Imagine a group of blindfolded people playing the touch-and-tell game, where they are asked to touch and explore a mini donut factory that no one of them has ever seen before. Since they are blindfolded, their version of what a mini donut factory looks like will vary, depending on the parts of the appliance they touch. Now, suppose they are personally asked to describe what they touched. In that case, their individual experiences will give a precise description of specific parts of the mini donut factory. Still, collectively, their combined experiences will provide a highly detailed account of the entire equipment.

Similarly, ensemble methods in machine learning employ a set of models and take advantage of the blended output, which, compared to a solitary model, will most certainly be a superior option when it comes to prediction accuracy.

Ensemble Techniques:

Here is a list of ensemble learning techniques, starting with basic ensemble methods and then moving on to more advanced approaches.

Simple Ensemble Methods:

Mode: In statistical terminology, "mode" is the number or value that most often appears in a dataset of numbers or values. In this ensemble technique, machine learning professionals use a number of models for making predictions about each data point. The predictions made by different models are taken as separate votes. Subsequently, the prediction made by most models is treated as the ultimate prediction.

The Mean/Average: In the mean/average ensemble technique, data analysts take the average predictions made by all models into account when making the ultimate prediction.

Let's take, for instance, one hundred people rated the beta release of your travel and tourism app on a scale of 1 to 5, where 15 people gave a rating of 1, 28 people gave a rating of 2, 37 people gave a rating of 3, 12 people gave a rating of 4, and 8 people gave a rating of 5.

The average in this case is - (1 * 15) + (2 * 28) + (3 * 37) + (4 * 12) + (5 * 8) / 100 = 2.7

The Weighted Average: In the weighted average ensemble method, data scientists assign different weights to all the models in order to make a prediction, where the assigned weight defines the relevance of each model. As an example, let's assume that out of 100 people who gave feedback for your travel app, 70 are professional app developers, while the other 30 have no experience in app development. In this scenario, the weighted average ensemble technique will give more weight to the feedback of app developers compared to others.

Advanced Ensemble Methods:

Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating): The primary goal of "bagging" or "bootstrap aggregating" ensemble method is to minimize variance errors in decision trees. The objective here is to randomly create samples of training datasets with replacement (subsets of the training data). The subsets are then used for training decision trees or models. Consequently, there is a combination of multiple models, which reduces variance, as the average prediction generated from different models is much more reliable and robust than a single model or a decision tree.

Boosting: An iterative ensemble technique, "boosting," adjusts an observation's weight based on its last classification. In case observation is incorrectly classified, "boosting" increases the observation's weight, and vice versa. Boosting algorithms reduce bias errors and produce superior predictive models.

In the boosting ensemble method, data scientists train the first boosting algorithm on an entire dataset and then build subsequent algorithms by fitting residuals from the first boosting algorithm, thereby giving more weight to observations that the previous model predicted inaccurately.s of ensemble methods in machine learning. 

The three main classes of ensemble learning methods are baggingstacking, and boosting, and it is important to both have a detailed understanding of each method and to consider them on your predictive modeling project.

  • Bagging involves fitting many decision trees on different samples of the same dataset and averaging the predictions.
  • Stacking involves fitting many different models types on the same data and using another model to learn how to best combine the predictions.
  • Boosting involves adding ensemble members sequentially that correct the predictions made by prior models and outputs a weighted average of the predictions.

The ensemble learning is divided into four parts; they are:

  1. Standard Ensemble Learning Strategies
  2. Bagging Ensemble Learning
  3. Stacking Ensemble Learning
  4. Boosting Ensemble Learning

Ensemble learning refers to algorithms that combine the predictions from two or more models.

Although there is nearly an unlimited number of ways that this can be achieved, there are perhaps three classes of ensemble learning techniques that are most commonly discussed and used in practice. Their popularity is due in large part to their ease of implementation and success on a wide range of predictive modeling problems.

Given their wide use, we can refer to them as “standard” ensemble learning strategies; they are:

  1. Bagging.
  2. Stacking.
  3. Boosting.

There is an algorithm that describes each approach, although more importantly, the success of each approach has spawned a myriad of extensions and related techniques. As such, it is more useful to describe each as a class of techniques or standard approaches to ensemble learning.

Rather than dive into the specifics of each method, it is useful to step through, summarize, and contrast each approach. It is also important to remember that although discussion and use of these methods are pervasive, these three methods alone do not define the extent of ensemble learning.

Bagging Ensemble Learning

Bootstrap aggregation, or bagging for short, is an ensemble learning method that seeks a diverse group of ensemble members by varying the training data.

This typically involves using a single machine learning algorithm, almost always an unpruned decision tree, and training each model on a different sample of the same training dataset. The predictions made by the ensemble members are then combined using simple statistics, such as voting or averaging.

Replacement means that if a row is selected, it is returned to the training dataset for potential re-selection in the same training dataset. This means that a row of data may be selected zero, one, or multiple times for a given training dataset.

This is called a  bootstrap sample. It is a technique often used in statistics with small datasets to estimate the statistical value of a data sample. By preparing multiple different bootstrap samples and estimating a statistical quantity and calculating the mean of the estimates, a better overall estimate of the desired quantity can be achieved than simply estimating from the dataset directly.

In the same manner, multiple different training datasets can be prepared, used to estimate a predictive model, and make predictions. Averaging the predictions across the models typically results in better predictions than a single model fit on the training dataset directly.

We can summarize the key elements of bagging as follows:

  • Bootstrap samples of the training dataset.
  • Unpruned decision trees fit on each sample.
  • Simple voting or averaging of predictions.

In summary, the contribution of bagging is in the varying of the training data used to fit each ensemble member, which, in turn, results in skillful but different models.

Stacked generalization or stacking for short, is an ensemble method that seeks a diverse group of members by varying the model types fit on the training data and using a model to combine predictions.Stacking has its own nomenclature where ensemble members are referred to as level-0 models and the model that is used to combine the predictions is referred to as a level-1 model.

The two-level hierarchy of models is the most common approach, although more layers of models can be used. For example, instead of a single level-1 model, we might have 3 or 5 level-1 models and a single level-2 model that combines the predictions of level-1 models in order to make a prediction.

We can summarize the key elements of stacking as follows:

  • Unchanged training dataset.
  • Different machine learning algorithms for each ensemble member.
  • Machine learning model to learn how to best combine predictions.

Diversity comes from the different machine learning models used as ensemble members.

As such, it is desirable to use a suite of models that are learned or constructed in very different ways, ensuring that they make different assumptions and, in turn, have less correlated prediction errors.

Boosting Ensemble Learning

Boosting is an ensemble method that seeks to change the training data to focus attention on examples that previous fit models on the training dataset have gotten wrong.The key property of boosting ensembles is the idea of correcting prediction errors. The models are fit and added to the ensemble sequentially such that the second model attempts to correct the predictions of the first model, the third corrects the second model, and so on.

This typically involves the use of very simple decision trees that only make a single or a few decisions, referred to in boosting as weak learners. The predictions of the weak learners are combined using simple voting or averaging, although the contributions are weighed proportional to their performance or capability. The objective is to develop a so-called “strong-learner” from many purpose-built.

Typically, the training dataset is left unchanged and instead, the learning algorithm is modified to pay more or less attention to specific examples (rows of data) based on whether they have been predicted correctly or incorrectly by previously added ensemble members. For example, the rows of data can be weighed to indicate the amount of focus a learning algorithm must give while learning the model.

We can summarize the key elements of boosting as follows:

  • Bias training data toward those examples that are hard to predict.
  • Iteratively add ensemble members to correct predictions of prior models.
  • Combine predictions using a weighted average of models.

The idea of combining many weak learners into strong learners was first proposed theoretically and many algorithms were proposed with little success. It was not until the Adaptive Boosting(Ada boost) algorithm was developed that boosting was demonstrated as an effective ensemble method.

To summarize, many popular ensemble algorithms are based on this approach, including:

  • AdaBoost (canonical boosting)
  • Gradient Boosting Machines
  • Stochastic Gradient Boosting (XGBoost and similar)

This completes our tour of the standard ensemble learning techniques.
